Tips to advance your vinyl wrap business

Building a business of any kind takes time, sound strategy and hard work. For business leaders in the vinyl wrap industry, this is particularly important. These tips for advancing or starting a vehicle wrap business can help:

Invest in the right tools

Having the best equipment and materials is one of the most crucial aspects of creating quality products. For those in the vehicle wrapping business, this comes down to the vinyl wrap equipment and the vinyl itself.

Your heat source matters too. Using a Proheat STC Heat Gun from Master Appliance can help you achieve top results. Built-in lasers show you precisely where the heat is hitting the wrap, and temperature gauges tell you both the target temperature and the actual temperature of the surface.

High quality vinyl for your designs is also important. The MPI1005 EZ from Avery and Controltac Plus graphic film with Comply Performance Series 180C from 3M are two excellent options, Sign Industry suggested. In general, vinyl that's two thousandths of an inch thick is ideal, according to Sign Warehouse.

Educate your employees

Businesses also must invest in employee training and education initiatives. Thoroughly teach employees how to utilize all materials and tools they may be using on various wrap jobs.

Going to industry conferences and trade shows can also be helpful. These events give your employees the opportunity to get new ideas, see other experts in action and even show off their own skills. When you have employees who are highly knowledgeable about the wrap process, they'll be able to confidently answer questions for your customers and will help your business gain credibility.

Market to your audience

As someone in the vinyl wrap business, you likely already know the benefits of adding details about your company to your car. Help other companies in your area understand these merits too. The Outdoor Advertising Association of America recognizes this method as one of the most efficient and effective forms of advertising, QuickBooks reported.

Todd Stuart, president of, told QuickBooks that many companies will quickly realize a return on their investment, though it depends on the industry, business and other factors.

"Some tell us that they gained new customers before they even got home with their newly wrapped car, while others literally took an order as soon as they left our offices," Stuart said. "One of our customers tracks his job leads and says his sales shot up from $42,000 to $219,000 in 10 months due to his wrapped trucks."

Show off your best work

Your business is a highly visual one, which means it's easy to find impactful examples of your work. Don't keep these pictures hidden in folders on your computer; show them off in galleries on your website, physical banner ads and social media accounts. These will grab the attention of prospective customers and demonstrate the tangible results of working with your company.

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